Veracruz Birding Adventure

 Raptor Migration & Central Coast of Veracruz

Tour Highlights
Alot of effort has been taken in this tour to include unique destinations and opportunities, not found in other tours, and a strong emphasis on supporting local biologists, guides and organizations promoting an ‘everybody’ wins vision, where we start to address the question of how do we leave a place in better shape than we found it?
Birdlife and habitats in Mexico have huge pressure from local human activity, and traditional resort tourism. It is our thought that with carefully designed tourism, we can leave a very positive impact? This tour is our starting point in creating and finding a better way forward. We hope to further develop this vision with your help and participation in this adventure – we invite you to join us in Veracruz!

• Guaranteed window seat suitable for excellent comfort and
scenic viewing based on group size
• Two local guides from start to finish; Zinthia, Paula and Pilar will
be with you for different sections of the tour, 2 at all times.
• A total contribution of US$1500.00 for three local programs
focused on conservation and environmental education: Birds and
Nature, Xocotitla and Veracruz River of Raptors. These
donations are essential to keep the program running as none of
them are funded by the government.
• Exclusive visit on boat to the Veracruz Reef Park, with the
possibility to snorkel on site.
• Boat trips to two mangroves: Arroyo Moreno (Veracruz area) and
Chachalacas (Cardel area).
• Top raptor observations sites for migration: Observatorio de Aves
de Chichicaxtle, Cardel and Miramar.
• Visit Xocotitla, a private conservation area.
• Visit sites of cultural and archaeological interest including
Quiahuixtlan, Museum of Anthropology of Xalapa, Botanical
Garden of Xalapa and other sites in Veracruz and Xalapa.
• Exclusive visit with breakfast to the Coffee Museum in Coatepec
for birding, to learn how shade grown coffee provides habitat for
birdlife. (Breakfast included in the cost of the tour).

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